Wrapping up Triton Swim Camp 2021
The Starting Block is so glad everyone had an amazing time over the 4 days, from the engaging swim lessons to the adrenaline pumping games. The smiles and laughter from the kids at Triton Swim Camp will be unforgettable!
"Recently went for their 4-day swim camp and they actually put in a lot of thought into organising the camp. My girls looked forward to it every day and with games etc, they made friends and also accelerated their learning and techniques, which as parents we can’t teach or may lose patience over." - Joanne

All our coaches are very proud of the progress our swimmers made in just a few days. For our younger ones, feeling uncomfortable and hesitant in the water was common for many of them. But, with consistent practice and the gentle reassurance from our coaches, our young swimmers were much more confident in the water, with all of them being able to jump in and swim back to the wall while some were even able to do freestyle arm pulls with kicking on their own by the end of the 4 days. As for our older swimmers, they brushed up on their strokes and even learnt special skills like diving and tumble turns. After training hard during the camp, they managed to take part in the SwimSafer Stage 1 assessment on the last day with their peers and coaches cheering them on.
Even after their tireless swimming, the kids were still eager to stay in the water, persuading our coaches to let them swim even longer. Luckly, there were still many thrilling games lined up that would require that kind of gleaming enthusiasm! Laughter and cheering filled the air through every game, from obstacle courses that required focus and skill to water balloon matches and race relays.
Triton Swim Camp was a success thanks to the energy and effort from our spirited kids, parents, and coaches. We hope to plan many more events and camps like this in the future, stay tuned!